level Training

basic close/ Executive protection

SEP 17-21, 2024

The Fall 2024 Basic Close/ EP Course will take place in Greenville, SC.

Topics include:

  • Movements & tactics for the individual and team operator

  • Situational Awareness & Kinesics

  • Emergency field medicine

  • Kinesics & Situational Awareness

  • OPSEC and TSCM Considerations

  • Basic Principal Protection (Hard Skills)

This course contains an online module that will be delivered prior to the in-person training. Several field exercises will be part of the in person training—each followed by a constructive debriefing intended to help you create a base skill set to support further training and growth.

Expect long, but worthwhile days. No sunshine or smokescreens being blown!


40 Hour Course


SEP 27-28, 2024

The handgun has long been considered a staple of EP/CP Operations, especially in America. But what happens when you’re carrying for a project and bad things actually happen?

Training will include:

  • Dynamic range applications based on actual situations based on real world mission parameters.

  • Force on force exercises to accentuate what you learned in discussion and on the live fire range.


2 Day Course

Prerequisites: Verifiable completion of a Basic EP Course

Student supplies: personal safety gear to include eye and ear protection; semi-auto pistol with at least 2 magazines and an operable concealable holster; 300 rounds of ammo.

Ghostfoot supplies: simunition style marking cartridges; liability and consent waiver that must be signed prior to arriving at the course.

Ghostfoot reserves the right to refuse anyone entry into this course for any reason- including gut feelings. If you cannot pass a government level background check, please contact us and let us know why before you enroll.

Close Quarters personal defense

SEP 22-23, 2024

Foundations for this course will be rooted in Wing Chun/ Jeet Kune Do a Chinese martial art most commonly associated with Bruce Lee. However the art has a far deeper historical heritage and is foundationally well suited for the average CP operator who regularly finds themself outside the confines of sterile offices and cantankerous boardrooms.


2 Day Course

Prerequisites; a consent and liability waiver that must be signed and returned prior to the beginning of the course.

Ghostfoot reserves the right to refuse anyone entry into this course for any reason- including gut feelings. If you cannot pass a government level background check, please contact us and let us know why before you enroll.

Advanced close protection

DEC 17-19, 2024

Building off our Basic Executive Protection Course, this training will take place in an undisclosed international location.

Training will include:

  • Intense field exercises designed to push your abilities and tradecraft.

  • Analysis and takeaways from numerous high profile attacks on principals in 2024.

  • Living Your Operational Life with concepts from Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life (Patrick Van Horne, Jason A. Riley).

  • Theories and Application for operators ripped from the book, Never Split the Difference (Chris Voss) and Talking to Strangers (Malcomb Gladwell).

  • Surveillance & Counter-Surveillance


30+ Hour Course

Prerequisites: Verifiable completion of a Basic EP Course

What People Are Saying

“simply the best group of instructors and relevant material. True SME-level Information.”

— WV (student)

“learning from those that are still active in the industry and working the jobs makes all the difference.”

— QC (student)

Civilian / non-operator training

BASic situational awareness

Dates: SEP 21-22, 2024

This two day course will help the individual, regardless of background or experience become more capable of identifying behaviors and queues that transcend gender, ethnicity or age that could be indicators of adversarial or criminal behavior.

This is not a class on how to profile people. We teach how to establish a baseline for normative behaviors within a defined space and then equip you with the tools to build your analysis based on behaviors outside of that baseline.

This course will involve practical application of concepts discussed and demonstrated in the classroom.

Instructors have first hand real world experience in practical application and will share takeaways from failures and successes in the field.
